iptables-converter - tests¶
Untested software, that means software which isn’t accompanied by automated functional tests, is assumed to be broken by design. As iptables-converter is written in python, use of the popular unittests is done for your convienience.
Two testclasses are build: Chains_Test and Tables_Test accordingly to the two classes from which the iptables-converter script is build from.
Runing the tests with nosetests:
nosetests ... --with-coverage
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
iptables_converter 189 27 86% 25-26, 167-177, 240-253, 257-258
Ran 23 tests in 0.019s
The tests are enumerated to assure a predefined sequence of evaluating for cosmetical reason.
- A tables group is build first, filter is choosen. The predfined chains are given as parameter to the chains object, then their existance and the default policy is prooved.
- Setting policy drop into the filter chains is prooved for each chain, an invalid policy keyword is tried and exeption raising is pooved.
- Append a rule (a valid iptables-statment) into each chain, try to use an invalid filter group and the exception raising for that.
- Insert rules and then flush them, proof emptiness. Then check exception raising for flushing an invalid filter group
- Create a userdefind chain and verify existance in the objects dictionay. Check exception raising on creating a predefined chain.
- Inserting a rule into an empty chain necessarily fails, exception is verified.
- Inserting a rule into a nonexisting chain fails with exception.
- Inserting a rule into a nonempty chain works and is verified.
- Appending three rules to a chain works and their existance in chain object dictionary is prooved.
- Try to remove a predefined chain raises exception.
- This test is removed (commented) for reason of practicability. It’s intention was, to check if removal of a nonexisting chain raises exception. The code in the chain object is commented as well, as it is needed to achieve a clean status of the chains from any status. So it was not a good idea to raise an exception just for completeness.
- Creation and successful removal of an userdefined chain.
- Just look if an illegal command raises an exception.
- Create a Tables object and verify the completeness of all the predefined chains.
- Verify correctness of a given iptables -t nat command.
- Verify correctness of a given iptables -t mangle command.
- Verify correctness of a given iptables -t raw command.
- Inserting a rule into a nonexisting chain raises exception.
- Try to read a nonexisting file raises exception.
- Read file reference-one and verify result.
- Read a file without iptables commands and verify result.