Frühjahrsfachgespräch 2012, Hochschule München

Wonderful days in Munich. Arousing discussions, wonderful talks and great socializing evenings.
Our host Prof. Dr. Jürgen Plate gave us a very nice tutorial on what can be done with parallel and serial interfaces at a normal computer with some connected sensors, motors, cameras and whatever. Using Servos, a camera was moved in 2 axes to follow a hand held yellow box. Funny to see the steering software beeing build in only 3 hours from some free software components and, of course, a lot of knowledge...
A lot of very interesting talks took all the time, two days conference was totally filled with to much content. If possible, I would have come twice to see the two tracks simultaneously. But sorry, no cloning allowed within the guug (
Summary: Most important: Only kind people met. Very eventful days in a nice university within a beautiful city.